Your History
The history and detailed description of your symptoms is an important part of the neurological assessment. Some patients make notes or bring eye witnesses of the symptoms they are concerned about, which is often very helpful. In addition to obtaining information about your neurological symptoms, Dr Hensiek will also ask about your background medical history, any relevant family history and which medication you take.

The Examination
The neurological examination is a detailed physical examination, which assesses gait, vision, speech, muscle strength, coordination, sensation and reflexes. Structural abnormalities of the nervous system are usually associated with abnormalities on the neurological examination, which can then point towards the part of the nervous system that is affected and often towards the underlying diagnosis. On the other hand, a normal neurological examination is generally very reassuring and excludes many neurological diagnoses.

Neurological investigations may be required to confirm and add to the information obtained from the history and examination. These tests could include blood tests, scans (MRI or CT) of the brain or spine or neurophysionlogical studies of the peripheral nerves, muscles or brain. Dr Hensiek will always explain the rationale behind arranging these investigations.
And Treatment
Neurological disorders often respond to drug treatment and Dr Hensiek will explain the reason for starting medication, the likely benefit and potential side-effects. She can facilitate a holistic management approach with involvement of physio and other therapists. Dr Hensiek works closely with consultant colleagues from other specialties including neurosurgeons and pain specialists and can advise who to see if required. Furthermore, she have excellent working relationships with other neurology centres for situations where more specialised services are needed.